
Thursday, June 24, 2010

WODs for the week of 6/28/2010

Day 1

Press 1-1-1-1-1

AMRAP 20 Minutes

1 Deadlift 375#
2 Squat Snatch 135#
3 Handstand Pushups
4 Burpees

Day 2


OH Squat 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2

Complete for time:
30 Virtual shoveling 90.00lb (40.82kg)
30 Push up
25 Virtual shoveling 90.00lb (40.82kg)
25 Push up
20 Virtual shoveling 90.00lb (40.82kg)
20 Push up
15 Virtual shoveling 90.00lb (40.82kg)
15 Push up
10 Virtual shoveling 90.00lb (40.82kg)
10 Push up
5 Virtual shoveling 90.00lb (40.82kg)
5 Push up

Day 3

Cover as much distance as possible on the concept 2. Add up the total number of meters rowed. That is your score.

Row 1 minute
rest 30 seconds
Row 2 minutes
rest 1 minute
Row 3 minutes
rest 1 minute 30 seconds
Row 4 minutes
rest 2 minutes
row 3 minutes
rest 1 minute 30 seconds
row 2 minutes
rest 1 minute
row 1 minute

Total Meters = Score

Day 4

Complete for time:
15 Squat block jump 24.00in
10 Ring Dips
10 Pull up
15 Squat block jump 24.00in
10 Ring Dips
10 Pull up
15 Squat block jump 24.00in
10 Ring Dips
10 Pull up
15 Squat block jump 24.00in
10 Ring Dips
10 Pull up

Day 5

10,260 Pounds Ground to Overhead for time

Do one of the following

45# x 228
95# x 108
135# x 76
180# x 57

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